Patio de Secado

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Transformando Sistemas de Mercado de USAID

We are pleased to announce that we have initiated a collaboration process with USAID Honduras through the Proyecto Transformando Sistemas de Mercado de USAID/Honduras project, with the objective of replicating and improving the relationship coffee model by connecting producers to specialty coffee markets and inclusive markets.

This project prioritizes the empowerment of women and the contribution of young people in the industry, as well as technical support to producers to improve their income through continuous improvement of their productivity, coffee quality and income diversification. For which there is a technical alliance with TechnoServe to adopt its validated technical assistance #CREAR methodology with good results for several years.

Thank you to our customers for your preference, you are also part of this achievement and we hope to continue growing and connecting producers with their customers, in order to develop inclusive and ethical value chains.



